EPTCThe East Penn Traction Club, Inc.

Bob Dietrich Photo

Bob Dietrich

I am a Pittsburgher, grew up with 40 Mt Washington cars squealing past the front of our house. I rode those cars but just to get somewhere; I was not a rail fan but I liked to build model trains. I took a 20 year sabbatical from model building until my mother asked me to build a model of the old house. That done I wanted a place to put it but I did not have room for a train layout so I built a small streetcar layout. During that build Richard Orr introduced me to EPTC and I attended my first Meet and joined the club in 1987. Since then I served three terms as president and help the club however I can. I built a few modules including South Hills Junction that took more time to research and document than to build. In 2018 I moved from PA to Delaware so the organization has changed but the modules are all the same.