| The crowd at the dealer tables for the 15th National East Penn Trolley Meet. |
 | This year there were close to 90 dealer tables available at the meet. |
 | Some interested buyers in front of the Doylestown Car Co's tables. |
 | SEPTA attended the meet with a table full of merchandise and memorabilia for sale. |
 | Dick Bell's 1/2" scale layout. |
 | Don Grant's Newcastle, Frenchtown & Faragut car model on his 1/2" scale modular layout. |
 | Another Grant, Charlie this time, with his award winning HO scale grand union module and accompanying layout modules. |
 | Doug Cowperthwaite's HO modules. |
 | Jack Spedden's HO scale modules. |
 | Jimmy Sparkman's 3/4" elevated models. |
 | Alex Postpischil's N scale H&F layout. |
 | David Harrison's HO mainline electric layout. |
 | An N scale mainline electric layout by Andrew McCann |
 | Curt Seelinger's HO scale elevated layout. |
 | Bob Dietrich's representation of Pittsburgh's South Hills Junction in winter :-) |
 | Bill Brandt's O scale modular layout. |
 | One of the many legs of the large O scale layout. |
 | Vern Gillman's O scale El modules. |
 | Rich Kerr operates Gary Reighn's junction module on the O scale layout. |
 | O scale modules by the Long Island Traction Society and Lou Rakus. |
 | Ludwig Riemenschneider of the Long Island Traction Society salutes the camera. |
 | Some of Don Wright's O scale modules. |
 | Another shot of the O scale modules. |
 | More O scale modules operated by a youthful lady. |
 | More youthful operators, this time on Port-A-Pike II. |
 | Some of the excellent models entered in the contests. |
 | The unsung heroes of the meet: the registration desk workers, Bob Weiss and registrar Lynn Hammond (white hat). |