| Charlie Gerow operating on the HO modular layout. |
 | HO modules |
 | Ed Torpey setting up HO modules |
 | Joe Frank (in suit) and Mike Junod watching O scale trolley operation. |
 | O scale car operation on Grand Union module. Module and buildings by Les Lewis. Arched window car by Lou Rakus. Houghton County trolley in PSNJ colors by Gene Stains. |
 | O scale modules. |
 | O scale cars operating on Grand Union module. |
 | Alan Ricketts (plaid shirt) is working on O scale modules. Ray Mitchell (Boston) on far right rear is looking at O scale and Jimmy Sparkman's large scale el cars. |
 | Lou Rakus enjoying smooth O scale operation while smoking his pipe despite no smoking allowed. |
 | John Derr presenting award to Bill Hoffman. L to R in photo: Ed Skuchas (glasses) clapping, unknown with hat, Bill Hoffman accepting award, Rich Allman, Carl Hulbert in shadow, Doug Peters in distance with glasses, John Derr with plaque, unknown (glasses). |
 | Bill Hoffman accepting award. L to R in photo: Gary Reighn (striped shirt), Ed Skuchas behind Hoffman, Bill Hoffman with award, partial of John J Gallagher, Tom O'Donnell with pocket protector, unknown head, David Gallagher, Carl Hulbert with glasses, Rich Allman, John Derr. |
 | View of dealer area. In front are Phil Smith (back of head sitting) and Norm Hauser (striped shirt). L to R in distance: Arnold Berman (CSA Hobbies) (bald head by wall), center of picture: Jean Deschenes (with beard above display), Chuck Crouse to left of Jean in distance, John Pilling to right of Jean in distance, right side: ? (Boston) looking through books on display, ? & his wife looking at modeling parts. |
 | Lou Rakus and wife; Robert Rench (right) |
 | Harvey Schenker is operating his highly detailed module which includes a representation of the Brooklyn Bridge! |
 | Popular Model Contest. Cars made by Hoffman, Siebert, Grant, Richards and more. |
 | Brill Trolley Car Theme Contest. FRONT: Coal Trolley and Valley Railways cars by Chick Siebert. LEFT REAR: two P&W cars by Deschenes (?). Phila Sweeper by Manny Reider. Trolleybus, DT Birney and HO car unknown. |
 | Contest model table |
 | O scale Grand Union by Les Lewis with cars by Lou Rakus and Gene Stains. |
 | O scale Grand Union by Les Lewis with cars by Lou Rakus and Gene Stains. |
 | O scale modules |
 | Jack Spedden operating his highly detailed HO modular trolley layout. |
 | Tom O'Donnell by his HO modules |
 | Fred Weigel (EPTC electrical guru) and Carl Hulbert EPTC Treasurer. |
 | Vendor area. Manny Reider (left, dark shirt), Fred Schneider center in short sleeves, behind him and Jim Eakin (and wife) publisher of Traction Prototype and Models magazine, and Richard Kotulak (DC) sorting photos. |
 | The 3/4" scale Fallon Street elevated and cars (made by Jimmy Sparkman) stretches across the back of the layout area. On left are Donald Wright Sr. (hat) and John Kennedy (dark jacket), in middle are Alan Ricketts and ?. Bent over his O scale module is Gary Reighn. On the right side are Bob Dietrich looking down on HO layout and farther to right are Doug Cowperthwaite and Tom O'Donnell working on HO layout. |
 | Doug Cowperthwaite setting up HO modules |
 | Tom Piccirillo and Debbie Ross announce their marriage plans. |
 | Meet Attendees, module owners and EPTC members discuss trolley modeling, setting up modules and operating model trolleys. |
 | The largest 1/2 inch scale modular set-up that was ever displayed. The modules on the right side and large loop in the right rear were built by Dick Bell. The modules on the left were built by Jim Richards. Some of the straight modules were built by John Derr. That is Jim in the lower left corner in the plaid shirt and Dick is on the right in the light short sleeve shirt with EPTC badge on the pocket. The photo was taken in the afternoon and one of Jim's 1/2 inch scale freight trains is on the right. Two car interurban trains were run along with individual passenger cars. It can't be seen very well in the photo but the large loop at the upper right had dual gauge track for running an LGB steeple cab with narrow gauge cars. In the late afternoon and early evening, after most had gone to dinner or were attending the movie presentation, the layout was being run by three or four kids ranging from 8-11 years old and they did it flawlessly with no accidents. |
 | The dealer area is filled with vendors and buyers from all over the United States, Canada, Europe, Japan and Australia. |
 | The dealer area is filled with vendors and buyers from all over the United States, Canada, Europe, Japan and Australia. |