EPTCThe East Penn Traction Club

Traction Manufacturer/Dealer Directory

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Check out these dealers and manufacturers for model trolley parts, kits, books, imports, videos, and other merchandise. Some of these dealers offer catalogs or price listings for the merchandise they currently stock. It is suggested you call or write them to determine if they have what you are looking for or just to obtain more information about what is available in the hobby. Please note that many of these dealers are small shops and those believed out of business are listed on a separate page linked below. (The following list is as comprehensive as possible. The author welcomes updates or corrections. A listing on this page does not constitute an endorsment by the East Penn Traction Club. When ordering products, let them know you saw it on the East Penn Website!)

LRV SPOTLIGHT! - Look for entries with the LRV symbol next to them to find parts, kit, supplies specifically available for light rail vehicles.

Disclaimer: By use of this page and its links, users agree that all information is provided "AS IS" and that East Penn Traction Club Inc.'s link to a site does not, in any way, represent or imply an approval of or a determination of the quality of that product or service. The links provided herein are maintained by their respective organizations, and they are solely responsible for their content. Transactions resulting from the links on this page are between the vendor and purchaser; EPTC is in no way party to the transaction; we have no responsibility and receive no commissions or finder's fees. Users agree to hold East Penn Traction Club, Inc. harmless for any and all damages arising out of use of this page and links from this page and the services related thereto.

Note: To get opinions on the reliability/quality of a particular vendor, product or service, we recommend that you post a question to one of the several leading trolley email lists. Click here for more info.

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Attention Dealers & Manufacturers: If you would like your firm listed here, please click here to send an email to the EPTC Webmaster. Be sure to include all the information specified in the table below.

Name/Website Address Phone E-mail Scale Items
A.B.S Models (Keykits) 36 Field Barn Drive
Weymouth, Dorset
DT4 0ED, England
  info@keykits.net OO Whitemetal British model tram kits, truck kits and parts, plus a wide range of railway, bus and road vehicles
Access Models P.O. Box 1514
Baltimore, MD 21203-1514
410-327-6119 accessys@smart.net O Traction bodies, pantographs, etc.
All Nation Line c/o John Wubbel Swiftwater, PA 570-580-7406 jwubbel@allnationline.com O Traction models, kits & parts
Alphagraphix/Brumtrams 23 Darris Road
Selly Park, Birmingham
B29 7QY, England
    O, HO, OO Coloured cardboard tram model kits plus a range of building kits
Alpine Division Scale Models P.O. Box 6
Artesia, CA 90702
Fax: 562-860-7800
info@alpinemodels.com HO Buildings, car barns, trolley line poles, line hardware, Suydam trolley repair parts, throttles. Former Ed Suydam building kits; see also Orange Vista Traction Products on this page
American Model Builders (Laserkit) 8229 Brentwood Industrial Drive
St. Louis, MO 63144
314-646-8588 laserkit@sbcglobal.net HO Laser cut kit P.E. style passenger shelter & Illinois Terminal one stall engine house and other traction kits
Atlas Model RR Co., Inc. 378 Florence Ave.
Hillside, NJ 07205
    O, HO Heavy traction engines
Auscision Models PO Box 1791
Castle Hill NSW 1765
Sydney Australia
Phone: 0425-866-442
Fax: (02) 9620-6695
information@auscisionmodels.com.au HO, N Australian heavy electrics
Bachmann Industries 1400 E. Erie Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19124-5698
  O, HO, N, G Streetcars and heavy traction
B&B Hobby Supplies Bridgeville , PA 412-580-4570 Contact@HobbyTools.com   Hobby tools and electronics
BEC-KITS 6 The Cliffs
Heysham, Morecambe
LA3 1NY, England
UK +44 1524 850703 info@bec-kits.co.uk G, O, OO, HO, TT, N British, European and American tramcar kits, parts, decals, pantographs and masts. Also own and manufacture the Tower Trams plastic kits range.
Bells & Whistles     BellsandWhistle@optonline.net   Traction books and pictures
Berkshire Car Shop 505 Mourning Dove Road
Audubon, PA 19403-1807
7PM to 10PM EST
weekdays and weekends
berkshirecarshop@comcast.net O, HO Importer of O-scale U.S. prototype trolley buses, streetcars and buses from St. Petersburg Tram Collection and others; models, books & videos; all manufacturers' products carried
Bowser Mfg. Co. 1302 Jordan Ave
P.O. Box 322
Montoursville, PA 17754
Fax: 570-368-5046
bowser@bowser-trains.com O, HO Kits & read-to-run trolleys
Brass Trains And More P.O. Box 789
Amherst, NH 03031-0789
HO Brass and non-brass, vintage and newer, model railroad and traction items
British American Diecasts & Models 187 Ashbourne Road
Turnditch, Derbyshire
DE56 2LH, England
  sales@diecasts.biz HO Diecast Buses and PCC cars, Mehano Brill and transit models and also London Transport Bus and Underground Maps
Bronze Key Models 6854 Laramie Ave
Skokie, IL 60077-3482
  EBronsky@aol.com O, HO CNS&M decals and glazing for arch windows
Bus und Bahn und Mehr Geschwister-Scholl-Strasse 20
33613 Bielefeld
(0521) 8989250
Fax: (03221) 1235464
info@bus-und-bahn-und-mehr.de HO Distributor of models by Halling and others
Gerry Burridge P.O. Box 152
Pte. Claire-Dorval
Que. Canada
H9R 4N9
  burridge@odyssee.net   B&W photos (roster, action), mainly Canada & US, smattering of So. America
Central Electric Railfans' Assoc. P.O. Box 503
Chicago IL 60690
312-987-4391 info@cera-chicago.org   Trolley books
Challenge Products 8960 Challis Hill Ln
Charlotte, NC 28226
704-752-5138 challengeproduct@aol.com   Trolley Time Challenge computer simulation for Windows PC; trolley sounds for DCC
Chicago Model Trains     contact form on website   3-D prints of hard-to-find or unavailable Chicago interurban, rapid transit, and commuter models.
Bradley H. Clarke 122 W. Newton St.
Boston, MA 02119-1203
617-266-0752     Trolley books, timetables, maps, photos, etc.
Clover House P.O. Box 215
Veradale, WA 99037-0215
Fax: 509-728-9392
  HO Phosphor bronze wire, PC ties, model transformers, scratchbuilding supplies, etc.
Con-Cor Trains 8101 E. Research Court
Tucson, AZ 85710-6758
Fax: 520-721-8940
concor@con-cor.com HO ElectroLiner, MP54, and Pre-War PCC cars
CORGI Hornby Hobbies Ltd
Westwood, Margate
Kent, CT9 4JX
UK +44 1843 233525 Website form OO, 1:50 Manufacturers of diecast tram models
Current Line Models 1044 3rd St.
La Salle, IL 61301
815-553-2658 CurrentL@aol.com O Trolley trucks and detail parts. (Former Wagner line)
Custom Traxx P.O. Box 641175
West Los Angeles, CA 90064-1175
310-990-5422 decals@customtraxx.com various Traction decals and unique parts; ORR (HO) Street Railway Track (rail and specialwork)
Dallee Electronics 246 West Main St.
Leola, PA 17540
717-392-1705 info@dallee.com O, HO Sounds systems for model trolleys
Eric Diehl 281 Turrill Ave
Lapeer, MI 48446
810-245-3794 diehlne@aol.com O, HO Decals for mid-western traction lines and 3D printed shells for traction cars
Des Plaines Hobbies 1524 Lee St./Mannheim
Des Plaines, IL 60018-1517
847-297-2118   O, HO Brass catenary bridges for North/South Shore lines
East Penn Traction Club c/o Rich Allman
327 Rock Rd.
Villanova, PA 19085-1716
610-527-8376 webmaster@eastpenn.org   Annual Trolley Calendar; PCC book
East Gary Car Co. Dept. O
3828 St. Joseph Ct.
Lake Station, IN 46405-2318
    O Cast white metal parts (e.g. sideframes, windows & doors, etc.); former Indianapolis Car Co. traction items
Eaton Custom Engineering
c/o Rich Eaton
120 Ness Rd.
Castle Rock, WA 98611
  richeaton4@aol.com HO Contact wire frogs, line poles & trolley poles. Please contact for a complete list.
PDE Photography (c/o Peter Ehrlich) 50 Rock Mill Rd.
Carmel, NY 10512-2445
415-420-8255 info@pdephotography.com   Transportation photography
"ELRO" Kits by Robert & Eena Hendry D2 Moultrie Rd.
Rugby, Warwickshire
CV21 3BD, England
  hendry@hillsidefilms.fsnet.co.uk O, HO, OO Makers of card kits of British, Isle of Man and US Traction equipment. 30 different kits as of 01/01/2008; DVDs of transport incl. Manx Electric Railway
Elwood's Elevated (c/o Curt Seeliger, Jr) 7 Westman Street
Somersworth, NH
603-812-6216 cseeligerjr@comcast.net O, HO Elevated line structures
F&F Custom Trains 2464 Bradford Dr.
York, PA 17402-3643
    O, HO Specialty decals including Staten Island Rapid Transit
TrainBooks.com (c/o Kevin T. Farrell) P.O. Box 282
North Billerica, MA 01862-0282
978-387-4997 kevin@trainbooks.com   Trolley books and more
Mark S. Feinman (NY Subway Videos) 7 Chelsea Court
Suffern, NY 10901-7405
  subway-videos@www.nycsubway.org   NY subway videos
GHB International P.O. Box 4063
Gaithersburg, MD 20885-4063
Fax: 301-869-4358
geoghb@erols.com O, HO Power trucks and models
Victor H. Gordon Railroad Audio & Videos 2570 Colvin Hill Rd.
Danby, VT 05739-9591
802-293-5421 lipizzansvt2@aol.com   Railroad audio and video
GPS Video Box 5895, Stn 'A'
Toronto, ON
M5W 1P3
416-832-9519 info@gpsvideocanada.com   Canada's #1 historical transportation DVD and video website
Grandt Line Products, Inc. 1040 B Shary Court
Concord, CA 94518
Fax: 925-671-0806
sales@grandtline.com   General modeling parts
Great Decals
See Bill MosTeller
Leopold Halling Favoritner Gewerbering
Objekt 25
1100 Vienna
  website form HO European traction and accessories
Herrmann and Partner Germany   info@herrmannundpartner.de HO European traction and accessories
Herron Rail Video 2016 N. Village Ave.
Tampa, FL 33612-3932
Fax: 813-932-6173
hrvideo@mindspring.com   Traction videos: Singing Wire volumes 1-4, Vol 1 - Pennsylvania Traction lines, Vol 2- Indiana RR, Vols 3 & 4 Trolleys of the South Parts 1 and 2, Red Devils (C&LE), etc.
Hoedl Lower Bahnhofstrasse 50
82 110 Germering
089-89 41 01 20
Fax: 089-89 41 01 21
info@modellbahn-hoedl.de HO European traction and accessories
Holland Electric Railway Operation
(c/o James B. Holland)
P.O. Box 11
Arkport, NY 14807-9705
  PRCoModels@P-R-Co.com O St. Petersburg trams, transit display models
Hollywood Foundry Australia   minkie@hollywoodfoundry.com HO Business closed; see website for sales of remaining supplies
Mark Hughes Trams 23 Orchard Rise
Tibberton, Gloucester
GL19 3AT England
    OO Whitemetal and brass model tramcar kits and various model tramway parts
Image Replicas P.O. Box 99
East Norwich, NY 11732-0099
Fax: 516-922-1564
  HO, N Subway car kits, subway entrance kits, third rail kits, decal sheets; one for the IRT cars the other for the subway entrances, traction logo T-shirts, traction books, trolley poles
Imperial Hobby Productions P.O. Box 487
Wynnewood, PA 19096
M-F 6pm-9pm EST
promodelmaker@yahoo.com HO Resin body kits, incl. Brill Bullet, PATCO, SEPTA Kawasaki LRV, Budd SPV, PCC, etc.
International Hobby Corp (IHC) IHC Hobby Texas
19519 Suncove Lane
Humble, TX 77346
215-632-4365 parts-4-trains@hotmail.com HO GG-1 locomotives
Island Modelworks P.O. Box 450
Farmingdale, New York 11735
  info@islandmodelworks.com O, HO, N Commuter and subway models
Jason's Brass Poles 1337 Laura Dr.
Lorain, OH 44053-3412
bweisman@roadrunner.com O, S, HO, N Brass line poles; armless, single arm and double arm poles; also carries all the major trolley MFG products at discount; also an Ebay lister
J.J.B Custom Products 16 Kent Place
Amityville, NY 11701
    O, HO, N Decals for Long Island RR and Metro Transit Authority
JNP R.R. Attn: Jim & Nancy Kellow, MMR
5945 N. Oakmont Dr.
Beverly Hills, FL 34465
Tel/Fax: 352-746-9820 jimkellow@netsignia.net all Custom traction layout design, construction, set-up
Keil-Line Products 6440 McCullom Lake Rd.
Wonder Lake, IL 60097-9540
    O Trolley parts
Alan Kirkman Tram Building Service 17-19 Park Road
Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands
B73 6DB England
UK 0121 354 3201   O, HO, OO Model tram building service, builds and motorizes bespoke tramcar models
KND Enterprises 30 Cedar Hill Road
Chalfont, PA 18914-2006
Fax: 215-822-2708
pknd@aol.com   Model trolley kits and parts
KW Trams Proprietor: Paul Coles   see website   Major supplier of British white metal kits; took over manufacture of BEC-KITS motorized trucks
La Belle Woodworking Co. 5105 Ridge Rd
Cheyenne, WY 82009
Fax: 307-433-9949
info@labellmodels.com O, HO All-wood trolley kits and detail parts
Peter Lerro Productions PO Box 497
Glenolden, PA 19036
610-999-9809 petejr@lerroproductions.com   Traction and trains paintings and prints
Leyshon's Books, Etc. P.O. Box 141133
Columbus, OH 43214-6133
800-450-4284 leyshonsbooksetc@worldnet.att.net   Trolley, subway, etc. books
LGB of America 6444 Nancy Ridge Rd.
San Diego, CA 92121-2296
619-535-9387   G Trolley, catenary, pantographs
Light Rail Products   650-355-4815 info.lrp@comcast.net G Trolley kits and parts
M.C.S Models
(c/o Mark Sullivan)
2954 Bayview Ave.
Willowdale, Ontario
Canada M2N 5K6
416-221-8391     Finely crafted custom scale models (incl. trolleys)
Meadowcroft Models "Highfield"
1a Highfield Street
Darwen, Lancashire
BB3 2DD, England
UK 01254 776243   O, HO, OO Brass stamped tram kits, motorized ready-to-run trucks and overhead parts
Micro Engineering Co. 1120 Eagle Rd.
Fenton, MO 63026-4507
636-349-1112   O, HO, G Girder rail & curving tool, etc. (formely Rail Craft Products); flex track; HO bridges
Micro-Mark 340-1755 Snyder Ave.
Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922-1538
Fax: 908-665-9383
micromark@worldnet.att.net O, HO Decal paper, structures, tools, paints and scratchbuilding supplies
Microscale Industries Attn: Railroad Dept.
18435 Bandilier Cir.
Fountain Valley, CA 92708
Fax: 714-593-1432
railroad@microscale.com O, S, HO, N, G Decals
Midwestern Train Hobby 2317 Glenview Blvd.
Columbus, OH 43204-3753
614-279-4144     Custom built carbodies, dealer for other lines, etc. (aka Midco Models)
Milwaukee Electric Railway & Transit Historical Society, Inc., The (TMER&THS) c/o TMER&THS
c/o Larry Sakar
7719 S. Scepter Dr.
Franklin, WI 53132
      Milwaukee's Interurban system video
Model Memories P.O. Box 722
Powhatan, VA 23139
804-598-4716   HO Signals/catenary
Model Railroad Warehouse P.O. Box 411
Roanoke, IN 46783
    HO Cannonball GE steeple cab kit and other traction kits
Model Traction Systems Unit 29 Monkmoor Farms
Monkmoor Rd
Shrewbury, Salop
England, SY2 5TL
    G Resin and metal cast trolley items incl. trucks, poles, underbody parts, overhead wire components, etc.
Modely Tramvaji (Czech)     modelytramvaji@seznam.cz HO, TT, N Light rail models
Mokei Imports 6950 Kingsbury Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63130-4327
    HO Japanese streetcars. No website, but see info by clicking here.
Morning Sun Books 9 Pheasant Lane
Scotch Plains, NJ 07076
908-755-5454     All-color books, including about trolleys
Bill Mosteller
Great Decals!
3306 Parkside Terrace
Fairfax, VA 22031
  wsm@greatdecals.com HO, N Decals: complete set for PATCO subway cars, destination signs for Walthers Washington DC METRO cars, new for 2021: Washington & Old Dominion
MTH Electric Trains 7020 Columbia Gateway Dr.
Columbia, MD 21046
410-381-2580   O 3-rail PCC, Brill, Electroliner
NH Custom Painting 47 Avalon Court
Doylestown, PA 18901-2795
after 7PM EST
jnhauser06@gmail.com all Custom painting of electric traction, all scales with O scale a specialty
NCat Live Caternary in N Scale       N NCat is a set of standards and guidelines for live catenary operation on N-Trak modules and on home layouts.
NJ International, Inc. P.O. Box 1029
Higley, AZ 85236
Fax: 480-219-4185
  O, HO, N Signals and street lights
North Shore Models P.O. Box 357
Highwood, IL 60040
847-266-8710   HO Imports brass CNS&M steeple cab and Merchandise Dispatch cars.
Northwest Shortline P.O. Box 1349
Hamilton, MT 59840
Fax: 406-375-7559
  O, HO Underfloor power trucks, gears, motors, trolley kits, etc.
Orange Vista Traction Products (c/o Alpine Division Scale Models) P.O. Box 6
Artesia, CA 90702-9070
Fax: 562-860-7800
  HO Traction supplies including poles (originally marketed by Suydam) and a variety of kits and wire, etc.
O Scale Central Skyler Shippy,
    O 2-rail modeling
Overland Models 4319 W. Clara Lane PMB #290
Muncie, IN 47304-5470
Fax: 765-289-6013
info@overlandmodels.com O, HO Imports brass heavy electric models
Pennsylvania Trolley Museum 1 Museum Rd.
Washington, PA 15301-6133
724-228-9256     Trolley calendar (mostly western PA)
Pilling Scale Models 38 Glendale Ave.
Uxbridge, MA 01569-1709
  rwy536@gis.net O Custom machining, Q-Car trucks w/flywheels, Bachmann conversions
Precision Scale Co, Inc. 2383 Meridian Rd.
Victor, MT 59875
Fax: 406-642-3904
psc@ixi.net O, HO Trolley poles, trucks, parts, wire hangers, body kit, etc.
Proto 48 Modeler (c/o Gene Deimling) 713 University Ave
Los Gatos, CA 95032
  gene48@comcast.net O Information about the Proto 48 standard.
Proto:87 Stores P.O. Box 505
Pismo Beach, CA 93448
805-481-4625 contact@proto87.com. HO The latest parts and solutions for PROTO:87 modeling including scale overhead wire parts and other items.
Q-Car Company 7028 Little Creek Rd.
Bangor, PA 18013-4140
  contact@qcarcompany.com O, HO Trucks and Detail Parts.
Railhead Publications 171 Aultman Ave NW
Canton, OH 44708
330-479-8709     Traction & trolley books
Railpub.com (c/o Paul Gibson) 161 Gilmore Rd
Wrentham, MA 02093-1227
508-397-1828 sales@railpub.com   Back issue rail & trolley magazines, rail related books and prototype applications
Railway/Traction Miniatures (c/o Ken Dively) P.O. Box 283
Ventura, CA 93002-0283
805-648-2675 railwaytractionmini@yahoo.com O, HO Traction dealer, nickel silver overhead wire, etc.
Raintree Products International 18 Edenfield Rd.
Penfield, NY 14526-1974
717-533-3920     Trolley & EP-5 Electric Body Kits *** This address may be out of date. Phone number is current. *** Call first.
Red Ball - See Cape Line Models on this page.          
Alfred Riess Strassenbahnmodelle Frauenholzstr. 2
90419 N�rnberg
Fax: 0911-5297910
alfred.riess@strassenbahnmodelle.de HO European trams and accessories
Right-O'-Way 23682 Road 15-3/4
Chowchilla, CA 93610-9316
559-665-1001   all Code .148, .125, .100, and .081 rail available in both nickel silver (lead free) and steel; also makes a single point switch in Code 125 rail
Rivers Traction & Trolley 540 County Line Rd.
Gates Mills, OH 44040-9708
440-423-1780 (evenings) jamesrivers@core.com O, HO Trolley parts including former Wagner overhead wire parts. Q-Car Co. suppliers. Formerly O'Toole Lines Products.
Terry Russell Trams 23 Thornden
RH13 8AG England
  terry@terryrusselltrams.co.uk O Full range of 7mm tram drawings, kits, parts, motorized trucks, poles, etc. While primarily for the British outline trams, many items are suitable for US and Canada cars.
Daryl B. Ryder P.O. Box 792
Kotzebue, AK 99752
    HO Decals for the Ft. Collins trolley.
St. Petersburg Tram Collection P.O.Box 16
196158 St. Petersburg, Russia
+7 812-961-6334 Fax: +7 812-727-9572">+7 812-961-6334
Fax: +7 812-727-9572
O 1:43 & 1:48 handbuilt public transport models incl. US models; available through US distributors
Seashore Trolley Museum 195 Log Cabin Rd.
P.O. Box A
Kennebunkport, ME 04046-1690
Fax: 207-967-0867
contact page   Trolley books, memorabilia, videos, Corgi & other models & toys, etc.
Joseph Snyder (Historical Transportation Illustrator) 2812 Elbridge St.
Phila., PA 19149
215-338-3038     Illustrations of nostalgic modes of transportation
Southern California Interurbans 1353 E. Edinger Ave.
Santa Ana, CA 92705-4430
      Decals that simulate stained glass bathroom windows used on Commodore and other PE cars
Societe Commerciale Lepage & Mouton (in French) 12 Rue Sachot
89210 Bellechaume
  info@sclm.eu various Distributor of models
S Scale Traction Products     crocon@mindspring.com S Lists distributors and other info
Streetcar Days in Honolulu 3001 La'i Rd.
Honolulu, HI 96816
808-732-0071 jlbriz@gmail.com   Book about Honolulu traction and other info
Subway Books and Videos         Operated by NYCSubway.org
Mike Szilagyi 331 Elm Ave.
North Wales, PA 19454
  mike.szilagyi@gmail.com   Self-authored books on Montgomery, PA and Bucks County, PA trolleys
Traction Scale Models Greg King and Joe Spinella
  Contact via website form   3D prints and custom models
Traction Slides International P.O. Box 123
Bank Plaza Station
Merrick, NY 11566-0123
      Traction books & slides
Trains & Trolleys 4513 Moore Rd.
Middletown, OH 45042-3840
      New & used trolleys, books, etc.
c/o East Lancs Model Trams
P.O. Box 2
Blackpool, Lancs
FY3 8DZ England
  j.d.whitehouse2@tesco.net HO, OO Tram DVDs. Model business closed, with certain items moved to East Lancs Model Tramway Supplies. Former manufacturers of whitemetal British and Continental model tram kits, low-floor bogie kits and suppliers of a wide range of tramway parts, mainly in OO and HO gauges; email via website contact page, see East Lancs Model Tramway Supplies website
Tramway Information         Prototype and model Trams of the UK
Transit Gloria Mundi 36 E. 27th St.
Baltimore, MD 21218-4330
800-428-7003 tgm@qis.net   Videos
Trout Creek Engineering 12874 County Rd 314 B
Buena Vista, CO 81211
719-395-8076 cmestel@troutcreekeng.com HO Etched-brass Eclipse-style trolley fender kits
Underground Railway Press P.O. Box 814QS
Brevard, NC 28712-0814
      Scale trolley plans, building signs
Up-Side/Down Under P.O. Box 313
Perry Hall, MD 21128
410-529-7407 PCCSTREETCAR@verizon.net O Supplier of St. Petersburg models
David Voice 9 Redwing Court
Kidderminster, Worcestershire
DY10 4TR, England
    OO Manufacturer of brass truck kits and overhead parts; see also the listing for the Proto:87 Store for a US distributor
Wm. K. Walthers, Inc. 5601 W. Florist Ave.
P.O. Box 3030
Milwaukee, WI 53201
    O, HO RTR METRO and BART rapid transit cars, also Walthers decals for trolley and interurban line
West Coast Traction Supply     Use Contact form on website O, HO Kits and parts for various traction models, specializing in west coast
Western Hobbycraft     info@westernhobbycraft.com O Diecast 2 and 3-rail O-Gauge trolley models based on the 1926 St.Louis Car Co. street cars; original and stylized designs for traction companies including Chicago, Johnstown, Los Angeles, New Orleans, Philadelphia, San Antonio, and San Francisco
Westport Model Works 24 Cob Drive
Westport, CT 06880-2113
Fax: 203-227-2998
wsptmdlwks@gmail.com O Cardstock building flats including trolley barn; resin castings for interior and exterior details
Willis Hobbies 300 Willis Ave.
Mineola, NY 11501
Fax: 516-746-8169
ken@willishobbies.com HO Decals for Long Island RR, other train items
YOZO design & models Slovakia +421 948 029 498 yozoyozo@gmail.com HO European trams